Team Heritage Land Management

Heritage and Company, INC. specializes in forestry mulching, brush clearing, land and lot clearing, building site preparation, grading, hunting property management and more.

Located in Oxford, Team Heritage is a land development contractor offering both residential and commercial projects throughout all of Michigan.

forestry mulching

Our forestry equipment and experienced team members allow us to get the job done safely and efficiently. We work with Construction companies, Local and State Municipalities, Homeowners, Farms and Ranches, Real Estate Developers, and more.

Team Heritage Land Management Services

  • Forestry Mulching

    Forestry Mulching

    From large, multi-acre parcels, to small areas of overgrown brush, trail clearing, viewscape clearing, tree removal and more.

  • Brush Clearing

    Brush Clearing

  • Land/Lot Clearing

    Land/Lot Clearing

  • Trail Clearing

    Trail Clearing

  • Pregrading Site Prep

    Pregrading Site Prep

    residential and commercial grading

  • Invasive Species Management

    Invasive Species Management

  • Lot Beautification

    Lot Beautification

  • Landscaping


  • Hunting Property Management

    Hunting Property Management

    Food Plots, Shooting Lanes, Water Holes, Deerscaping

Nature Trail Creation

There is increasing interest from home owners, business owners, wildlife enterprise entrepreneurs, school teachers, boy scouts, hospital personnel, parks department staff and others to develop and maintain nature trails. Nature trails are popular for wildlife viewing, walking, hiking, horseback riding, bike riding and other outdoor activities. Using any forestry mulching equipment is the most efficient way to clear a new trail because the brush and trees are immediately turned into a pile of bark dust and sticks.

Invasive Species Removal

Is an invasive species taking over your property? These plants are called invasive for a reason and cause harm to wildlife in many ways. They spread quickly, are hard to get rid of and are not natural to the habitat they are in, and removing them by hand can only get you so far. These plants need to be removed down to the roots to avoid future spreading. The mulcher chews up the invasive plant and turns it back into nutrients for the soil! Talk about environmentally friendly.

Tree Removal

A chainsaw is not the only way to remove trees! The forestry mulcher uses its sharp teeth to grind up trees from the top down or once they have already fallen. Common reasons for tree removal are dead or dying trees that have become a hazard, improve the visual appeal of your property, make room for new construction, or eliminating competition for space and light. Our highly trained and skilled crews have years of experience with even the most difficult tree removals.

Property Line Clearing

Forestry Mulching is the most effective and economical method to clear property lines, fence lines, and survey lines. You won’t have to worry about the ruts and erosion that result from clearing the lines with a dozer. There will be no hauling off debris, stump grinding, or clean up involved…just shredded up vegetation which is great for your soil!

4 Things You Didn’t Know Forestry Mulching Could Be Used For

Forestry Mulching, another word for land clearing, is a method of landscape clearing that is efficient and Eco-friendly. The mulching machine shreds up all types of vegetation, leaving behind natural “mulch” which is good for the ecosystem. Broken-down vegetation is reintroduced into the soil, making it richer and more fertile. This method of clearing is much faster and more efficient than clearing areas by hand and our mulching machine can be used to clear large areas of unwanted trees, shrubs, and other brush in a short amount of time.

Contact Us to See How We Can Help!

We’ll send someone out to your site to answer any questions you may have and offer a free quote, don’t let your land stay overgrown for another day!